Resources for state health and environment agencies working together to reduce asthma in children. Sponsored by ECOS.

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Why are states organizing coalitions to address asthma?

Many states have organized coalitions to identify and coordinate resources to address asthma. In some states, there are both state-level coalitions and also local or regional-level coalitions.

Coalitions are useful because many organizations and institutions must be involved in an effective response.

For those with primary responsibility for management of asthma in individual patients, coalitions can pull together resources for medical care, patient and family education, provision of needed social and economic support, and in-school patient support. Some coalitions focus on improving quality of life for patients.

For those with primary responsibility for prevention, coalitions can help to involve all the sectors needed for an effective response. Public health, environmental protection, housing, welfare, transportation and education authorities, along with many nonprofit and community organizations, all need to play a role in a complete response. In addition, community organizations and non-profit organizations are also important.

The Centers for Disease Control have provided support for state to organize coalitions for planning and coordination.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has provided funding for coalitions that primary focus in improving management of asthma for patients.

The American Lung Association has organized coalitions in several states where state programs are less active.

How are coalitions organized?

Many models have been used to organize coalitions. In many cases, an initial analysis of asthma in a state is completed, and an Asthma Summit is organized to bring together the relevant parties.


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